Located inside Brookhaven Church and at Third Monday McKinney Trade Days
Ways to Give
Honi's Coffee House is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that exists to support those in need locally and globally. We appreciate donations, as they enable us to help others.
We understand that many of our friends want to donate to a specific project or element in our ministry - below we've sectioned out our projects so you can easily get involved where you would like.
Please don't hesitate to reach out for more information on getting involved with specific projects reach out to us at honiscoffeehouse@gmail.com.
Thank you and God Bless!
Amazon Smile
Donate while you shop Prime! Simply go to smile.amazon.com, enter Honi's Coffee House in the search bar, click select non-profit and .5% of all purchases will go to us!
Recurring Donations
Support Honi's through monthly giving
Honduras | Young Adults & La Finca
We are committed to providing necessities and spiritual guidance to the young adults we first met as young children at La Finca orphanage. We do video chat Bible studies, distribute food packages, provide tuition for education, help them with job hunting and provide ongoing mentorship on a daily basis.
These young men and women work very hard to barely survive in Honduras and we often get emergency requests like helping with rent, food and other necessities that we prayerfully cover when possible.
We've been blessed with our ongoing relationship with La Finca De Los Niños since 2008. Most recently we've been honored to
- lead a service trip to La Finca with a local church
- host a spiritual retreat for the high school La Finca students
- lead the Christmas Project that began in 2014
Donations allow us to continue leading these projects and support the wonderful children at La Finca and are imperative for us to continue supporting these wonderful young men and women thrive and end the broken cycles in Honduras.
Venmo: @honis-coffee

Local Student Projects
We believe in discipling our future leaders by means of equipping two middle schools with programs that allow students to market, manage and run a coffee shop. These student-run coffee shops are teaching children how to run their own business and gives them a sense of belonging while their earnings go toward funding school projects they're involved in.
Donations support local students and allow Honi's to implement these programs